Monday, October 26, 2009

more of the same

flashback to friday night.

a big white kid with a stupid grin is skateboarding through crowded subway stations. the stark and awed faces of hundreds of koreans. old men scorning, old women hardly moving. nods of approval from a few likeminded souls. giggles from the younger female crowd. kings of leon blasting from headphones, the song "trani" comes on and everything dissappears. you could call this bliss, or nirvana. those in the recreation field know it as Flow.

exit stage left onto a crowded bundang street.

the twang of a guitar, youth and young manhood. flashforeward. the lyrics "dirty belly of my secret town, cheap trick hookers are hanging out at the bar by the greyhound station" singing dolefully from somewhere.

the taptaptap of wheels on a brick sidewalk. a breeze tickles the hair on the back of my neck. a sway in my movements on the sidewalk turning into a swagger with my board. im dancing. and everyone walking along this road is dancing with me, weather they want to or not. weather they know it or not. the twanging in my head picks up. a shiver runs up my back from pure excitement, a green light at a crosswalk just in time. the nights calling to me, and im smirking in her face.

those of you that know me well know exactly what the glint in my eye means.

tonights going to be fun.

i drop my stuff at elizabeths. enjoy a few adult beverages, a soju for the road. and then on a bus to patricks going away party at gogo's. let me preface this by saying that as one of less than 5 straight guys at the party, gogo's is an awesome bar, even if you ignore the smell, the shit part of town, the constant barrage of drunks. it really is a fun place. we stormed the dancefloor, and i did my best to keep up...for the next 6 hours. around 4:15 it was time to turn in...pooling money for the 30 dollar cab, we crammed in and fell asleep. around 5 we were back at elizabeths and determined to sleep.

have you ever blacked out? or as i like to say time traveled?

i fell asleep so fast at elizabeths it could have set a world record.

The next day was pretty chill, alot of hydration, a few much needed pancakes, some skating around bundang. then a shower and off to a restruant around the AK Plaza. The nice part about the resturant was it was all you can eat and drink until 9:30. Talk about brilliant. or talk about disaster. however you look at it. Then off to itawon. A few different bars, innumerable conversations, laughing at the drunks, and some of the best street food on the planet. we then called it a night.

woke up the sunday feeling great with amanda, elizabeth and ryan and headed to a pub for breakfast. a word to the wise. no matter how hungover you are, when you order breafast and it comes with a cup of coffee, a guiness, and a shot of jameson. you can say goodbye to your hangover.

after some conversation, a few recounts of the evening and possibly one more guiness, i hopped on a train and made it back to Siheung City just in time to catch a law and order svu marathon. and in bed by 9:00.

i love this life.

to everyone reading this. please please please. come visit me. words can hardly describe how awesome this place is.

im awaiting your flight info.

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